



WTO Project: “Russia´s WTO policy: A moving target”

Programme Coordinator – Dr. Ludmilla Lobova
Financed by:The Austrian Federal Ministry of Economy, Family and Youth

The outcome of this project will be a publication analyzing the economic and political interests of different Russian pressure groups regarding the forthcoming the WTO accession of Russia. Furthermore the potential outcome of Russia’s accession on the Austrian economy will be examined. In addition, the ICEUR team will produce a comprehensive analysis covering both the Austrian as well as the Russian perspectives regarding the WTO accession.

“Post-Soviet Conflicts Revisited?“

Programme Coordinator – Prof. Hans-Georg Heinrich
Financed by: Zukunftsfond der Republik Österreich

Two decades have passed since violence triggered by conflicting ethnic-territorial claims erupted in the fringe areas of the former Soviet Union. Russian intervention ended military confrontation which was transformed into a state of no-peace-no-war. Despite the efforts of the international community, none of these conflicts has been resolved to date. The goals of this project are to analyze the status quo of the conflicts in Georgia, Azerbaijan (Nagorno-Karabakh/Arzak) and Moldova; to assess the dynamic of the conflicts in the post-2008 context; to identify sustainable constraints and factors which may favor peaceful conflict settlement; to evaluate the role of the international community and to elaborate policy recommendations for conflict management

EURUS Project: “Legal Culture in the EPR Area“

Programme Coordinators – Prof. Hans-Georg Heinrich, Dr. Ludmilla Lobova
Financed by: The Austrian Federal Ministry of Economy, Family and Youth

The project strives to describe and analyze the legal cultures in the EPR Area. This area consists of the six membership countries of the EU-Easter Partnership (EP) – Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine and the Russian Federation (R). The project started by a kick-off conference in November 2010. At the moment, module A is in progress. In the course of this module, a baseline study regarding the legal culture in the EPR Area in comparison to the legal culture in Western Europe will be compiled in cooperation with our partners in the EPR Area. In summer 2011, a publication written by legal scholars from several different countries will be published as the outcome of the project.

Kazakhstan Project: “Modern Kazakhstan – Images and Realities“

Programme Coordinators – Prof. Hans-Georg Heinrich, Dr. Ludmilla Lobova
Financed by: ICEUR, IWEP and ICEUR business member

In the course of this project, ICEUR Vienna is cooperating with the NGO European Club of Kazakhstan. The main focus of this study is the European Union’s policy in Kazakhstan. Other points of interest include the social and ethnic conflicts, the civil society and the financial structure of the country. There have been three meetings of ICEUR Vienna and IWEP to work out the project details. The meetings have been financed by IWEP and ICEUR Vienna. The outcome of this project will be a publication by ICEUR Vienna and IWEP. It will contain articles by Stefan Barisitz, Valikhan Tuleshov, Aidar Amrebaev, Oraz Zhandosov, Gregor Legeland, Aitolkin Kurmanov et al.

Islam Project: “Will Russia Become a Muslim Society?“

Programme Coordinators – Prof. Richard Potz, Prof. Alexey Malaschenko
Financed by: ICEUR
Co-Financed by: Department for Legal Philosophy, Law of Religion and Culture of the Law Faculty
at the University of Vienna

The publication „Will Russia Become a Muslim Society?“ (Peter-Lang Verlag) has been published in 2010. It has been presented by Alexey Malaschenko during his Master Class in Vienna in May 2011. The objective of the project was to present the contemporary situation of Islam and of the Muslim population in Russia; to show the development of consciousness of the Muslim population, its today’s political and social activities and prospects. The publication is an anthology with a logical structure, i.e. similar to a monograph.

One article of the publication is entitled “Religious Identity in an Open Society: The Case of Chechen Refugees in Austria“ by Hans-Georg Heinrich and Ludmilla Lobova. The article draws on an empirical study of Chechen Refugees in Austria and expert interviews. The study was sponsored by the.Foundation Living Together in a New Europe, courtesy of Richard Potz (Head of the Department for Legal Philosophy, Law of Religion and Culture of the Law Faculty at the University of Vienna and member of the scientific advisory council of ICEUR Vienna) beard the expenses for the empirical study.

Comparative Cultural Studies

Programme Coordinator – Prof. Christian Stadler

The outcome of this project will be a publication in German ("Russische Demokratie zwischen Mehrheit und Macht“) about Comparative Cultural Studies in the Euro-Russian area. This monograph about Russian democracy by Prof. Stadler will be published in the near future in German and contains four articles written by the renowned experts Alexander Logunov, Gleb Pavlovski, Wladimir Kantor, Boris Kagarlizkij and the editor Christian Stadler.


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