ICEUR Analyses –generation of upper-end strategic intelligence
ICEUR has access to more than 150 high-ranking experts experts and analysts
in all post-Soviet, East European and Western countries. They are working in academic institutions, research & information
centers as well as military academies. Requests by clients are forwarded to the most competent experts, the raw reports we
receive from them are cross-checked and condensed into final analytical papers. Standard analyses and reports are in English,
but can be produced in most other major languages.
On this basis, ICEUR covers and analyzes topical events, developments, as well as
political and economic patterns in Eastern Europe and the former USSR. Within this broader framework we select the thematic
and geographical flashpoints which are most relevant for our clients. We have drafted a number of basic templates for each
thematic group which are permanently updated and refined:
Domestic politics in post-Soviet societies:
° The Putin system: elites, economics, wars
° Special features of Russian parliamentarism under Putin III (2012-2018)
° Russian elites (Response to perceived external threats and operations of the Russian Army)
° "Russian World / Russkiy Mir" - a consolidation tool or political hoax?
° Orthodoxy as basis for Putin´s new conservatism (expert opinions)
° Russian regions cope with the crisis: regional elites, economies, protest potential
° Russian society and the Syrian intervention (recent surveys)
° Post-Maidan Ukraine (Reforms, Institutions, Civil society, Media)
° New roles for old oligarchs (in-depth analysis of lobbying groups in Ukraine)
° Corruption in Ukraine: Obstacles, money trails, reasons for the failure of anti-corruption programs
° Obstacles to Ukrainian reforms, role of Western strategies
° Ukrainian Constitutional and legal reforms
° Current status of Donbas (political forces, economic situation, Role of Russia)
° The plight of the Crimean Tatars
° Political crisis in Moldova: consequences for Europe (realignment of political forces,)
° Political protest in Moldova, forecast for 2015/2016
° Moldova: Corruption and Western donors
° The Russian factor in domestic Moldavian politics
° New perspectives on the Transnistrian conflict after the Ukrainian war
° Moldova: The role of media and journalists in the formation of new political strategies
° Belarus: Interest groups in politics and business
° Belarus: Civil society and the role of the media against the backdrop of European policy changes
° European Georgia-a pipe dream?
° Georgia: Realignment of political elites, redistribution of interest spheres
Foreign and international politics
° Russia/China: The uncertain future of the “Eastern turn”
° Russian strategies for Ukraine after the Minsk agreements
° Russian political and military strategy in Syria, the outcomes of the Vienna summit
° Dimensions and consequences of the Syrian crisis (perspectives of military operations, migration issues, players)
° Russia, Iran, Turkey and Saudi Arabia in the Syrian crisis (see also below)
° Russian foreign policy and the response of Russian financial markets
° The Islamic factor as component of Russian strategy
° Military co-operation Ukraine/NATO
° Westbound migration from Ukraine triggered by deepening economic crisis
° Changes in the Belarusian foreign policy profile
° Role of Belarus in the Eurasian Union
° Georgia´s NATO ambitions
° Specific features of the Moldavian security and military doctrine
° Caucasus: new dynamics in frozen conflicts? (focus on Karabakh)
° CIS and the Eurasian Union: An elusive big project?